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Vintage nocturnal dance scene in charcoal and pastel on paper. Drawing by Axel Saffran.
  • Moondance

    The posture of this woman reminds me of a famous sculpture in Rotterdam, by Ossip Zadkine, commemorating the bombardment and destruction of the city centre at the start of the second World War, 1940. The Dutch surrendered after that. The reference image for this drawing is even older, dating from between 1910-1920.

    This scene, however, reflects for me something of the current circumstances we live in. They seem to work like a pressure cooker on whole segments of society. People in Rotterdam these days during the pandemic, are rioting in the streets where bombs once fell. Paranoia and misinformation as infectious as a virus, and people writing each other off as imbeciles without even an attempt to connect on some level.


    Charcoal and pastel on paper

    52 x 67 cm framed

    This drawing comes framed in a black box frame around the entire sheet of paper.

    It is ready to hang on your wall, straight out of the box.

      € 800,00Prijs
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